The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50498   Message #766014
Posted By: Genie
15-Aug-02 - 02:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Degradation of the American Vision
Subject: RE: BS: The Degradation of the American Vision
Kim C., You say "...I am all for punishing the bad guys BUT... I am all for the bad guys getting a
 fair trial... "  That's exactly the point:  the law says that you're presumed not to be a "bad guy" until your've had your fair trial and been convicted.

Doug R, I know what Bush was referring to (and he's asking for more than just preventing Federal employees from striking), and, even though I'm not crazy about the legislation itself, it was his "take" on it that really struck me -- the idea that he was going to protect all the rest of us.  Sure, the executive branch enforces laws and the President is the Commander-in-Chief of the armed services, but that doesn't make our country an autocracy.  The checks and balances among the three branches of government are there for a reason.  All three branches of government are and should be involved in ensuring "homeland security"--especially when you consider the rights of citizens to be secure in their own homes from unreasonable searches and seizures and secure from being deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.

The "in time of war" scenario really doesn't fit the "War On Terror" because there's no defined enemy (especially no country or government we're "at war" with) and no clear objective or duration.  Ebbie said it well.
