The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50460   Message #766451
Posted By: SharonA
16-Aug-02 - 11:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: Do people steal toilet paper?
Subject: RE: BS: Do people steal toilet paper?
Yorkshire Tony: Standing a cat in a sink with even a small amount of water in it is a risky proposition! What I do with my long-haired cat, when the inevitable happens, is to hold him on my lap or lay him down on the floor and wipe him up gently with wet paper towels (he's placid enough that I don't have to wrap him in a cloth towel to keep him from clawing, but that wouldn't be a bad idea). There again, the thought is to simulate his being cleaned by a mother-cat. Afterwards I pat him dry and let him clean up the rest of the dampness (and whatever residue may remain) from his fur himself.

As to the toilet paper subject: I went to my doctor's office last week, and in the restroom was one of those toilet paper dispensers that doesn't dispense. It was empty, and above it was a makeshift wooden shelf screwed into the wall with a loose roll of toilet paper sitting on the shelf. Seems it was too much of a pain to FILL the dispenser as well as empty it!