The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10706   Message #76650
Posted By: katlaughing
08-May-99 - 12:42 AM
Thread Name: Bet & Kat need a name for performing! Help!
Subject: RE: Bet & Kat need a name for performing! Help!


Up until this darn diet thng, which is working, I could have BEEN that mystic cowgirl!!! Still could, cause I still don't "do" beef!!!! Heck, if your friend doesn't mind, let's throw that name into the ring, too!!!

I promise I will tear bet away from the Rockies and we'll try to agree on one or another. I like Mudders alot, with or without the udders! Hehehehe

I was kinds hoping Karespaw might get a suggestion from old 'Spaw, but didn't want to burden him with it when i tlaked with him today. what a great call!