The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10782   Message #76652
Posted By: northfolk/al cholger
08-May-99 - 12:42 AM
Thread Name: Smells
Subject: RE: Smells
A year ago in February I moved out of a small town in northern Michigan, at the age of 48, to take a job as a Union Representative in Detroit...most of my membership (I was President of my Local Union) thought I was nuts. Alot of their thoughts were based on a mix of racial fear and mistaken rugged individualism.... but I got to say I love it...being under constant attack by corporate power isn't enjoyable, but everyone is. Being in this mix of racial, ethnic diversity...getting to know a whole bunch of new friends, and being able to reallize that there is a dynamic beauty to to the city...I can see Len Wallace play irish slavic labor music, on the squeezebox from hell one night...and ani difranco the next night. I can make common cause with the religious social justice and the environmental and the labor and the leftist....I damn near am in heaven and didn't even have to die...