The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50533   Message #766598
Posted By: GUEST
16-Aug-02 - 03:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces
Subject: Guest with a 1000 Faces
Don't know how long this will last, as any threads I start now are being censored pretty routinely by Joe. But I thought I would satisfy a few people's curiousity about me. So here you go.

Some of this is a summary of my two most recent posts in the Ladies Only thread.

No one has to read my posts. But a helluva lot of folks ain't following their own advice on that one are they? Nope they ain't! EVERYBODY is responding to MY posts, and telling me I shouldn't be saying what I'm saying. That nobody should listen to what I'm saying. Yet, for some reason, everybody does just that, don't they?

I'm also probably the most censored contributor to Mudcat these days, which I consider to be an honor, in an "honor among thieves" sort of way.

So just who is it that needs to follow the advice about not reading and responding to the things you don't like here, hmmmm? The Guest With a 1000 Faces, or the rest of you? If you don't like what anon/pseudonym posters are saying, follow your own bloody advice, and don't read and comment on their posts!

There is not one shred of evidence on Mudcat that talking politely gets more attention from other posters. Quite the contrary, in fact. Controversy sells. That's why I'm the success I am today in Mudcat. It is like moths to the flame. Everyone always says they are going to ignore me. Many will post to threads I contribute to and tell others not to respond. Which might work in that thread, but not in others.

This is a self-control issue. I'm merely exploiting the fact that a core group of Mudcat members have no self-control. They all know who they are, but they refuse to admit they have this self-control problem. They just have to leap in the fray, and tell others how to behave. Of late, the saddest, most predictable people in this regard have been folks like McGrath, Big Mick, harpgirl, Amos, artbrooks, MMario, Joe Offer, BillD, and SharonA. That list of folks likes very much to leap right in and tell people what to do. They are controlling type people, and a person like me, who is beyond their reach, freaks them out to the point where they have no self-control when it comes to responding to me, even if it is to say "don't respond to this troll". But even feeling the uncontrollable need to say that, is still responding. Posting empty threads with your names in the from line as petty protests, is still responding. But hey, OTOH, Jeri, Catspaw, and katlaughing have gotten much better at not responding.

But even if they all got their impulses under control today, there would be a new crop of people tomorrow to take their place. That is the sadly predictable part of this. There are always people who pay lipservice to loving the anarchy of the web, so long as they aren't personally confronted by it. I am a poster with anarchic sensibilities and style. The fact that I disappear and reappear is no mystery, of course. And it is known by all that I post both anonymously and using many pseudonyms, both male and female. There are many people who claim certainty in knowing who I am, where I come from, etc. Max can easily track this, but has some liability if he chooses to trace the identities of all the people who use the machines I use. Max knows I always use computers with multiple users, don't you Max?

I'm a phantom menace aren't I? I'll be leaving you all very soon though, and heading back to my homeland to go college--I graduated from high school this past June. I've only been in Mudcat for a little over a year now. I got hooked in to Mudcat using computers of an employer (I work in the US as a domestic servant and nanny for several families), as one of my employers lurks here but doesn't ever post. I've enjoyed using Mudcat as an acting lab for creating characters--and don't worry, it doesn't matter how badly I did it. It is all experience I can use. Folk and blues music isn't so bad, but my main love is hardcore punk. I'm absolutely brilliant at using Google, and so can pull up information to use against the lot of you very quickly.

And I have had an internship while I've been here with a local social justice organiztion. I am not nearly as old as most of you like to think I am. Which gives me a great deal of satisfaction, considering how smug, self-righteous, and anti-youth this place is. And that is in addition to the racism, homophobia, xenophobia, sexism and anti-Semitism regularly exhibited here. This place really is an adult sewer. I even wrote about it for one of my final papers for sociology class my senior year. Got an A, and the teacher finds the lot of you to be pretty appalling.

That is about it for now. Max can block the IP if he wants, or publish the names of all the users of the computers I come from on the front page, for all I care. Of course, those people might get a bit pissed off if he does, but Max can deal with the lawyers, can't ya Max? Doesn't matter to me, as I've said, I'm outta here in a matter of days.

Maybe I'll drop back in now and again just to say hi. What will all of you do for entertainment when I'm gone?