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Thread #50498   Message #766607
Posted By: Bobert
16-Aug-02 - 03:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Degradation of the American Vision
Subject: RE: BS: The Degradation of the American Vision
Based on what I am reading here, I firmly believe the "revolution" has begun. Actually, I think it began when 5 conservative judges called off democracy. Yeah, there was a lot of anger at Bill Clinton but it was anger based on jealousy rather than issues.

I think that over the next year the lights are going to come on in the heads of a lot of folks who either have never seen it or forgot what it looked like the last time they did see it. Yep, I guess it took someone as brazen as Junior Bin Laden to deemonstrate so clearly "their" plan. And this isn't parania. Just reality. We know the ruling class has been real pissed off since the 60's which was the last time that "working" America had a glimpse of their evilness, tyheir greed, their Godlessness and their absolute will to own and control every molicule on the planet. Well, we have Junior and his henchmen standing there with their chins out, daring anyone to mess with them. They're huffing and puffing and getting ready to blow your house down. John Ashcroft is the most dangerous man in the world. And he calls himself a Christain. Well, I'd like to be at the Pearly Gates when he gets there with his briefcase of rationiztions.

Yeah, I know I'm approaching "rantsburg" but I just did wantg to make one point perfectly clear to any would be participants in the coming 'revolution". We're going to have to win it on our terms, not theirs. We'll have to out think them, out PR them, out organize them but most importantly we're going to have to do it in a manner that brings more and more warriors to the front and the only way to do this is thru civil disopbeydieance and uncompromised non violence. Violence is their way. A true revolution has to deliver mankind a few steps forward and killing folks is hundreds and thousands of years backwards.
