The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50533   Message #767211
Posted By: GUEST,Fred Miller
17-Aug-02 - 08:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces
Sure I'll throw you a mercy post, but that was pretty lame, Amanda. I did like you insisting that this thread about you isn't about you, and I mean that, it's really pretty clever. And it's true, you got me again--I hate how you're ruining the mudcat! It's driving me insane. Aaaiigh! There. Now I am insane. But Ghengis Khan? He couldn't keep all his trolls supplied with sleep.

And I'm going to have to spend less time here, now that I'm feeling better. Not going to exercise any self control, though, so no offence. I'll try to check in with you when I can, I just didn't want you to feel like I'm seeing another troll. You're my fave and all that, other trolls are so superficial. But thanks for saying hi. I was starting to think you didn't like me, you goof.

See, I'm really perceptive about things like that, like how I know how tall you are and whether you like indian food, and like this one time at work there was this woman and she and I had this funny antagonism going, where although I liked her, I pretended not to. And she pretended she didn't like me, but if I'm any judge of people, I could tell she was only pretending she just didn't like me to disguise the fact that she really really hated me. Which was a pretty good facade, I thought. What do you think?

I had an idea on the ladies thread how you could do a personal advice thread for us, be like a house troll, and be all rude to people about their personal problems. That'd be fun, since this is getting so thin. I'll join if you'll do it, promise. Got to sign off--do you get points for length of posts? I'd go on, but I've been looking forward to an evening enjoying a book of my favorite naughty and demeaning words.