The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50560   Message #767505
Posted By: ciarili
18-Aug-02 - 01:34 PM
Thread Name: Historical context of Israel/Palestine
Subject: RE: Historical context of Israel/Palestine
It's SO nice to see that SOMEBODY has a clue! I'm so sick of hearing all about the poor Palestinians that I could just hurl. I listen to NPR when I'm in the car, and occasionally wind up hearing their not-news programs. I was sickened the other day to hear them mention the fact that Israel wouldn't let a UN inspection team into Genine. They failed to mention that it's because the UN baboons insisted upon the inclusion on the team of one particularly egregious anti-Semite whose name escapes me at the moment.

Anyway, the Arabs had caused the once-fertile region to resemble a barren desert until the Jews finally came back in large numbers and began to fix that. They also established a democratic government quite unlike that of the bribery system of the Turks and the foreign rule of the British. If the Arabs had only behaved themselves they would have been full participants in the whole thing. As far as the West Bank, this little population of just over 2 million Philistines could easily have resettled elsewhere if their so-called friends in Jordan, Egypt, and Lebanon had allowed them to. I don't waste much time feeling sorry for them - I condemn the UN and the other Arab states for their 60-odd years of unwillingness to solve the problem!