The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50584   Message #767509
Posted By: Don Firth
18-Aug-02 - 01:43 PM
Thread Name: Some harsh words for Dylan
Subject: RE: BS: Some harsh words for Dylan
I never have been all that blown-out about Bob Dylan and I can't really understand those who worship him as if he were some sort of singing Messiah. He was an opportunistic kid from Minnesota, and for a non-surfer, he was real good at spotting a wave, hopping onto it, and riding it for all it was worth. If what Cheryl Seal says is true, it doesn't surprise me, because he's been doing that all his life.

He did write some good songs, but even back in the mid-Sixties, Dylan himself said that he just wrote what he figured people wanted to hear. He got tired of people's expectations and made his Rock 'n' Roll debut at the 1965 Newport Folk Festival. Rock was where he wanted to be all along.

Don Firth

I know! I know! "Dylan RULES, man!!!" Go ahead and throw the rocks. I've got my Kevlon underwear on.