The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50584   Message #767541
Posted By: The Pooka
18-Aug-02 - 02:44 PM
Thread Name: Some harsh words for Dylan
Subject: RE: BS: Some harsh words for Dylan
Don Firth, LOL! heh heh... Incoming! Rocks Off! Uhh I mean, Rocks Away!! [Dylan Rocks, maaaaan. Right arm.] *Kevlon* underwear, izzit? Better put on yer *Teflar* pith helmet too: yeth, you're at rithk here. Look out kid, there's somethin' ya did...ljc, I didn't access it (too much download time for some damn thing or another) but I gather that site is Korean. Similar to Japan but not quite as advanced. Y'know, kinda like Scotland vis-a-vis Ireland...*G* heeheehee Woops! Incoming!

The Dylanbashing writer of the piece cited is, not to put too fine a point on it, fulla shite. The musical critique is based entirely on political content & politically-correct behavior. That particular philosophy of art was not invented by the 20th century fascists, but arguably they perfected it; and certainly, like other polluted streams, it does go rolling on.

I read a more plausible critique, or rather critical review---of Dylan's recent performance at the Newport Festival, his first return since that mythic day 37 years ago. The writer said it was fine, in itself--but disappointingly included no acknowledgement whatsoever of the mystical significance of this historical moment. No mention. No reprise of the offending electric set from '65. No nuffin'. Ol' Bobby Z. jes' did his reg'ler current concert stuff, exactly as usual. / Well, that's Dylan for ya, folk-folks. He's an Icon, and I say he deserves to be. And on stage, he radiates the impression that about all this Iconhood, he Doesn't Give a Damn.

In conclusion ("Hip hip, hurray!"), Don Firth: *no idea what he's talking about*?? Goodness gracious. Go listen to "Sad Eyed Lady of the Lowlands". That'll make it all perfectly clear. Plus, it's only forty verses an' it won't detain yez long. :)