The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50536   Message #767891
Posted By: GUEST,Bill Kennedy
19-Aug-02 - 09:29 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: The Moon's the North Wind's Cooky
Subject: RE: Song about the moon as a cookie
Vachel Lindsay is a very special person to me, who will not be forgotten, as long as I can do something about it! His poetry, and in particular his public performance of his poetry on the vaudeville circuit, was extermely popular. He recited for and was appreciated by Yeats among others, when Yeats was touring the US, in Chicago. He wrote many memorable children's poems for his own family, all as inventive and mysterious and playful as 'The Moon's the North Winds Cookie'. I can't remember it, but will look for at least one other moon poem that he wrote to balance this one. If memory serves it is in the same meter and rhyme scheme, so it could be added to these two verses to make a longer and perhaps more complete song. All the biographies I have read seem to stress his mental breakdowns, and I think in many ways he has been misunderstood. I would urge you all to find a collection of his and read through it, or a recording of him reciting his own work. Some of it is not very PC these days, especially his long poem 'the Congo', which I think accounts for the lessening of his reputation, but much of his work still sings. His drawings were as remarkably fresh and inventive as his poems. A real sensitive and rare spirit.