The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50584   Message #767975
Posted By: little john cameron
19-Aug-02 - 12:23 PM
Thread Name: Some harsh words for Dylan
Subject: RE: BS: Some harsh words for Dylan
Years ago when ah wis aboot 19,seems like yesterday,aw us young anes were listenin tae the popular music o' the time.Aw they Bobby this an' Bobby that.Some grand singers bit the songs were aw the usual Boy/Girl stuff wi' the odd bit o' "Skiffle".
Then ane day ah heard this ither "Bobby",whit's this ah thocht.Ah couldnae make oot a bloody word.However,ah persevered an' got the hang o' it.
At the time ah had a wee band that played aw insrumentals,The Shadows an' The Ventures stuff.Nae singer,so we jist played the same tunes aw the time.
That wis it,awa wi' the electric guitars an' amp an in wi' an acoustic,cannae mind whit it wis.Ah,them were the days,wanderin aboot the different pubs daein mah Bob MacDylan extravaganza.

Fae there ah discovered folk music o' mah ain people.Years later when ah wis in Toronto ah wis introduced tae the man himsel.Cannae mind much o' that first meetin,bit a mind he said tae me"Yeah,yo're the guy sings muh songs in a funny accent!"
Mony years later ah can pit oan mah BD albums an' be transported back tae the days music wis an adventure.

Thanks Bob,ye brocht a new vision o' the world tae me.ljc