The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50599   Message #767977
Posted By: Mudjack
19-Aug-02 - 12:31 PM
Thread Name: Help: finger picks, no feel, but crisp
Subject: RE: Help: finger picks, no feel, but crisp
Unlike real finger nails, finger picks will grow on you.(with a smile) After to many years of avoiding finger picking, I finally have got use to them. Banjo picking is the real teacher of using picks.
My choice of picks is Dunlop brass .018 ga. and an ivaroid thumb pick. A trick I learned at a workshop is shaping the finger picks not only to fit snugly on your digits, but shape the tips to slightly turn so your picks strike squarely agaist the string instead of at an angle. I finger pick banjo and guitar with two finger picks and thumb. I keep tyring to use a three finger and thumb style and can't seem to make the ring finger do what it's supposed to.Hence, off come the picks and I can play without picks. then after the fingernails rub to nubs, back to the finger picks. This might be the yo-yo tehcnique of failing to learn new stuff.
We all have to keep with in our limits and comfort zone. But maybe that is how style is invented.