The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50599   Message #767995
Posted By: Doug Chadwick
19-Aug-02 - 01:19 PM
Thread Name: Help: finger picks, no feel, but crisp
Subject: RE: Help: finger picks, no feel, but crisp
Persevere – you will find that you get enough feel through the picks once you get used to them. I have very soft nails which never grow very long and easily get destroyed by my steel stringed guitar, so picks are a godsend.

During the hay fever season my hands tend to swell a little. The picks then become too tight and hurt my fingers, so I sometimes play with my finger tips rather than nails when I am just playing for myself and volume isn't important. If I have left the picks off for a while, then I might need a tune or two to get back into the swing of things, but I find it very easy to switch between bare fingers and picks without any noticeable change of hand position.

The biggest problem with picks is losing the damn things

Doug C