The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10734   Message #76877
Posted By: BK
09-May-99 - 12:32 AM
Thread Name: Catspaw - The Recovery, Part III
Subject: RE: Catspaw - The Recovery, Part III
So there IS a "Concerened One." We Unitarians are always wonderin'! seriously, Kat: thanks for expanded info. I'll bet it was a trip to get that phone call. Since I've been telling my wife abt Catspaw's troubles, she has also gotten interested in Pat - and the Mudcat! Of course, being a very experienced medical social worker, it's no surprise to her when love 'n emotional support are involved in a turn around from the precipice!

'Spaw: be a good kitty, 'n don't exert yerself more than your medical team thinks wise.... for now!

Cheers, BK