The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49599   Message #769435
Posted By: Genie
21-Aug-02 - 11:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: malapropisms
Subject: RE: BS: malapropisms
Really funny, Robbyanne!

Lots of people talk about having their cats and dogs "spaded."   These may be the same folks who fix things with "duck tape."

A very common malapropism is to say that two things "don't jive with each other."  (It should be they "don't jibe.")

I had a nursing supervisor once who continually said he was "flustrated" about things but there were "litigating circumstances."

My mom knew a woman who, in her letters, would often complain about her "Arthur Ritus."

And, Bill D., you're right about the common "momento" malapropism.

Well, Ranger Steve, maybe "erotic driving" is against the "blue laws" of some states!

I never cease to be amazed at the lawyers, judges, and politicians who keep referring to the "statue of limitations" on certain crimes.

Then there's Marcia (sp?) Clark, of OJ trial fame, who serveral times accused either OJ or his attorneys of trying to "flaunt the law."

Fred M, along the lines of "tenants of the Constitution,"  I often hear folks who ought to know better refer to the "pundants" [instead of "pundits"] who spout their views on TV and radio.