The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35233   Message #769444
Posted By: GUEST,Guest- Richie
21-Aug-02 - 11:57 PM
Thread Name: Help: Age of 'East Virginia'?
Subject: RE: Help: Age of 'East Virginia'?

I've always thought that Awake! O Awake!/Drowsy Sleeper was the sub-clasification of "East Virginia/In Old Virginny" that included O Molly Dear/Katie Dear (there's a great version by Mike Seeger-Anyone have his lyrics?)which is also known as "Silver Dagger" (have you heard the Old Crowe Medicine Show's version?) but I don't include these in with the "Think of What You've Done" Tammy LaRue branch (There's no silver dagger and no smoking gun!). But the bloody silver dagger is what we were looking for.

This appears to be the English connection that we're looking for (although there are probably others).

Note Sharp's "Awake! Awake!" No. 57 A- "I'll go down in some lone valley". My notes on Sharp 57 indicate that this song appears in Christie's Traditional Ballad Airs 225; One Hundred English Folk Songs p. 106 also in Folk Songs from from Somerset, No 99.

Another good version in my collection is from Bascom Lamar Lunsford entitled "Awake O Awake" which includes the "Fond Affection/Dear Companion"- "turtle dove" lyrics. There's also a version by Melinger Henry (a friend of my grandfather's) in my collection.

This appears to give a direct line from England to "Awake Awake" which is directly related to "East Virginia".

What do you think?
