The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50679   Message #769651
Posted By: Trevor
22-Aug-02 - 11:32 AM
Thread Name: Singing: Eyes open or closed?
Subject: RE: BS: Eyes open or closed?
Hello Rob. Not far off, but it obviously varies from individual to individual. Your learning style is a combination of three factors: How you perceive information most easily
How you organize, process and make meaning of information
The conditions necessary to help you learn best – emotional, social, physical and environmental
There was some interesting research by Ken and Rita Dunn, from St John's University, New York, who discovered that:

Only 30% of students retain even 75 percent of what they hear during a lecture or presentation
40% retain three-quarters of what they read or see
15% learn best tactually – they need to handle materials –to write, draw and be involved with concrete experiences
Another 15% are kinesthetic – they learn best by physically doing things

If you can work out what works best for you, you stand a better chance of retaining stuff.

I've been doing some work on 'brain-friendly' learning and whether there were any specific techniques that would help me to hold on to words. I've come up with a couple of thoughts but don't want to get off thread. PM if you're interested.