The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50746   Message #770473
Posted By: GUEST,Taliesn
23-Aug-02 - 06:02 PM
Thread Name: Bob Dylan: Self Portrait
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan: Self Portrait
*Not* being that much of a devotee' of the Bobster as a performer because of can I put this gentley....shade less than stellar alacrity with his command of his instrument ( Lord I know I'm gonna catch it for that , but , truth be told ) I can speak for this "studio" musician embellished and strategically enhanced productiob of his material on this album and , mercifully , his voice didn't sound as much as what he croaks out with now. All that said one of my absolute favorite songs that I *never* tire of listening to is "Tangled up in Blue" from, I believe ,"Blood on the Tracks". Just as an aside it was my pleasure to see the double bill tour of Joni Mitchel/Bob Dylan roughly 3 summers ago at Univ. of Maryland. I was more than content enough to finally see Lady Joni Mitchel live and could'vre gone home happy , but I was some close friend's guest and gave Dylan "Live" my due respect. Well after making some smart-arsed remarks about how well he was using his guitar as well as Elvis , mainly as some manner of fashion accessary , I further "opined" that Dylan also appeared to have been a follower of the Ross Perot Church of corporate management whose principle of "Just surround yerself with good people" was a prime directive. ( Man I know that i'm gonna catch for that one too ).

Well all that was put in its place with the full 4 accoustic guitars blazin' performance of a generously long rendition of "Tangled Up in Blue" that literally had 4 generations of concert attendees on their feet dancin'. needless to say surrounding himself with "good people" was *the* crucial element and no one was gladder than I that he chose to do so. I was absolute magic. Being unabashedly biased I say: quite the gourmet dessert to a Joni Mitchel feast.

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