The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50780   Message #771043
Posted By: C-flat
24-Aug-02 - 08:11 PM
Thread Name: Chris Rea plays the blues?
Subject: Chris Rea plays the blues?
My favourite monthly music publication in the U.K.,"Guitarist", has a reveiw of Chris Reas' new release which he describes as "the blues album I've always wanted to make".
I quite like Chris Rea anyway, despite one or two blatantly commercial offerings, and, as he comes from my home town, have had the pleasure of meeting him and his family so I'm a little biased in his favour.
He is a good slide guitar player and, according to the reveiw, sticks to it right through the album.
"Guitarist" magazine doesn't go in for sychophantic reviewing as a rule, so when I read "An incredibly moving musical experience" I reckon it must be worth checking out.
I never had him down as a blues player but with that gravelly voice and the slide guitar I wonder what took him so long?