The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50889   Message #773099
Posted By: Bobert
28-Aug-02 - 03:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Another Bush war? (Bush, Iraq)
Subject: RE: BS: Another Bush war?
Yeah, Doug? I mean Sadam ain't no rocket scientist. First of all, if he could even make a nuclear device without blowin' up half of Iraq, which is questioable, how's he gonna test the danged thing without someone knowing it? What, fire it off when no one's looking? Right. Hmmmmmm? Okay. let's say that Sadam does build hisself a bomb and he's fired it off in his garage so as to not let the world know he's got it, now he's gonna have to start testing his rockets in the garage, too. Think about countires who have been trying to figure out how to deliver their nukes and you'll come up with very few that have a clue. Oh, sure, they might be able to deliver them a few hundred miles but from Iraq to the US? Come on, Dougie. You're giving Sadam a little too much creedance here, my man. If he were an ally of the US and we were helping him with technology, it would still take him 20 years or so of testing and failures to come close to mounting a nuclear attack on the US... Unless, of course, the US just took some of their own nukes over to Iraq and fired them back at ourselves.... Which ain't too likely according to the latest Vegas odds....

Yeah, I don't loose any sleep worrying about Sadam but now Junior and Co.? That's a different story...
