The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15862 Message #773343
Posted By: Dicho (Frank Staplin)
28-Aug-02 - 10:31 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Pretty Saro
Subject: RE: Info on Pretty Saro?
Bodleian broadsides are often difficult to read and copy unless size and contrast are optimized by Adobe, or eq. so that they may be transcribed into clear, printed text. This cannot be done as easily with links as it is to go to the website and lift the images directly. I think you will find that many who are interested in these songs will throw up their hands at links that are difficult to read, and that others wish to have side by side comparisons with versions that they may have. In my view, the more texts the better. It is important to find the material (the first, most difficult and important step in any search), but it is also necessary to get it into useful and readable form.