The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10795   Message #77337
Posted By: Mick Lowe
10-May-99 - 08:34 PM
Thread Name: Does your life parallel a book or movie??
Subject: RE: Does your life parallel a book or movie??
At this moment in time
I'm feeling like Samuel Vimes
Though I'm not one to give up hope
And if it is that I should be
In some romantic tragedy
Pray it is not Obidiah Slope
Actors are few and far and none
That could portray me as one
Holding all the hopes that I do
And writers are yet to be born
With a lifetime needed to learn
Everything that I know to be true
Thinking thus I think better yet
You could capture me in some sketch
Preserved the moment for prosperity
Waterhouse or even Rossini
Could they capture the real "me"?
I shall leave that up to thee