The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50889   Message #773413
Posted By: Kaleea
29-Aug-02 - 03:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: Another Bush war? (Bush, Iraq)
Subject: RE: BS: Another Bush war?
In these days of electronic media, the men & women of the US Senate & House DO take hand written letters very seriously. This from a buddy who works very closly with a particular politician who is against all of this. Now to the subjects I would like to mention. After the "Desert Storm" campaign, 60 minutes showed on a report that the Bush family made it's $$$ in oil. Then when pappy was head of the CIA, he used our tax dollars to fund the creature of the deep who is still in power in Iraq! Then (all this from 60 minutes--remember) pappy used the family arms company to arm said creature! (OK--I'd like to know what all deals were made over oil, but I digress!) Then pappy manages to get elected on the heels of poor Mr. Reagan who was in the early stages of Alzheimers (anyone who has a family member with this disease or has worked daily in a facility for Alzheimers could ascertain this from watching the press conferences he gave!). So he decided to bomb the h-e-double toothpicks out of the country of Iraq. The entire middle east hates, loathes & dispises pappy for having turned upon the man he claimed as a brother & put into power. After the first 2 weeks of nonstop bombing, I am listening to the figures that newsman Dan Rather gives on the numbers of Iraqui "royal guard" troops that can be accounted for--darned if the figure isn't about 180,000 smaller than before the bombing began. the Iraq creature from the deep is still in powser. Hmm. Then more campaigns with patriotic sounding names--lots of bombing & presto--he's still alive & on national tv defacing all of America & her people for the games pappy decides to be involved in. (I have friends who were "over there" & have serious illnesses from nobody knows quite what!) Gee--all that bombing sure got rid of that dictator, didn't it?! pappy could not catch the critter, so how does dubbleya junior think he can? hmm. The folks from the middle & far east, & most of the rest of the world community hate, loathe & dispise dubblya. hmmmm. So now dubbya is going to go over & bomb with not so much as a "howdy do" to/from congress. hmmm. Sounds like a personal vendetta of the bush famblee!! Hmmmmm . . . So now dubbya just HAS to go "over there" in order to rid the world of a menace &/or at least put him at an inconvenience . . .except it ain't HIS life on the line, it ain't his body which could be surrounded by a deadly virus in the form of gaseous stuff. OK-so how does dubbya think he is going to justify this stuff of war to the American people who root for the underdog? Not to mention the fact that some of the middle eastern countries are saying they will not leg Americans fly on a certain date which is the anniversary of the most tragic terrorist event in the history of the USA. Things that make you go . . ."hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm . . ."