The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50889   Message #773585
Posted By: Kim C
29-Aug-02 - 10:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: Another Bush war? (Bush, Iraq)
Subject: RE: BS: Another Bush war?
United States very big. Iraq very small.

If Hussein has nothing to hide, why is he hiding it? It is my understanding he has not cooperated with UN weapons inspectors; however, admittedly, I know just enough to be dangerous.

Now, on the other hand... this could be nothing but a bluff and an idle threat, to coerce Hussein into cooperating with said weapons inspectors. Because if it were me, and I were going to sucker-punch the other guy, I sure wouldn't let it out into the international news. But if I just wanted to rattle his cage... well, that's another story. I think in teenage circles they call it Trash Talk. It's an intimidation tactic.

Y'all know I am one of those dangerous conservative-leaning people, and that I generally don't join in the President-bashing games - mostly because I believe making fun of people when it isn't in good humor makes bad medicine and negative energy. However, I do agree that I am against a military action against Hussein on the mere grounds that he's an asshole.