The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50902   Message #775065
Posted By: katlaughing
01-Sep-02 - 12:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Real Reason for Spaw's Silence!
Subject: RE: BS: The Real Reason for Spaw's Silence!
Once was a time when Spawdarlin' was known for much more than certain elements of air...Cletus, the Reg boyz, Pa and all of their shenanigans, as well as great doings over at the NYCFTTS, and playing out back of the Tavern with the faeries, kicking up all the litter. He had a marvelous hand in dressing the Heron - Waylon Jennings, something to do with Flaming Kestrels, and was a really hot ticket at the Juke Joint. Maybe if we all close our eyes, think about those other times, and click our heels, and say, "There's no one like Spaw, there's no one like Spaw"...well, just maybe we'll get another story or two outta him.
