The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51036   Message #775802
Posted By: Haruo
02-Sep-02 - 06:17 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: 23rd Psalm in Scots
Subject: Lyr Add: 23RD PSALM IN SCOTS
Here's the text from the site Griffy failed to link to:


The Lord is my Shepherd in nocht am I wantin'
In the haugh's green girse does He mak me lie doon
While mony puir straiglers are bleatin' and pantin'
By saft-flowin' burnies He leads me at noon.

When aince I had strayed far awa in the bracken,
And daidled till gloamin' cam ower a' the hills,
Nae dribble o' water my sair drooth to slacken,
And dark grow'd the nicht wi' its haars and its chills.

Awa frae the fauld, strayin' fit-sair and weary,
I thocht I had naethin' tae dae but tae dee.
He socht me and fand me in mountain hechts dreary,
He gangs by fell paths which He kens best for me.

And noo, for His name's sake, I'm dune wi' a' fearin'
Though cloods may aft gaither and soughin' win's blaw.
"Hoo this?" or "Hoo that?" -- oh, prevent me frae spearin'
His will is aye best, and I daurna say "Na".

The valley o' death winna fleg me to thread it,
Through awfu' the darkness, I weel can foresee.
Wi' His rod and His staff He wull help me to tread it,
Then wull its shadows, sae gruesome, a' flee.

Forfochen in presence o' foes that surround me,
My Shepherd a table wi' denties has spread.
The Thyme and the Myrtle blaw fragrant aroond me,
He brims a fu' cup and poors oil on my head.

Surely guidness an' mercy, despite a' my roamin'
Wull gang wi' me doon tae the brink o' the river.
Ayont it nae mair o' the eerie an' gloamin'
I wull bide in the Hame o' my Faither for ever.
That really is a very good text. The metre is fair sich as may wunna cull the indices. (Nae, that's na Scots, I made it up so it must be American. Lallans, I calls it.) The only tunes the Cyberhymnal lists are Blacklands, Down Ampney and Draper; Kremser is another obvious one. There are doubtless many others (and's and's etc. can easily be turned into 12.11D's by the judicious application of slurs or bifurcation of notes. But I agree with Griffy "The Road and the Miles to Dundee" works well.
