The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50996   Message #776202
Posted By: GUEST,Taliesn
03-Sep-02 - 11:26 AM
Thread Name: What Joni Mitchel songs covered ?
Subject: RE: What Joni Mitchel songs covered ?
I had to ask this question just to see which songs of hers were of common currency among performing folk and see what turned up.

"Circle Game" was a given and no surprise. I was gladdened to see "For Free" given attention.

I was surprised to see no attempts at "Woodstock". Listening to her last recorded performance of it on the DVD "Painting With Words" should convince anyone it's not a hard song do. I mean if Richard Thompson's limited voal range an make it equally as timeless than any red-blooded folk artist can.

If one is still somewhat timid of performing it due to the "stereotyping" of the subject matter , take heart. This is the 21st century for crying out loud and "Woodstock" is far enough removed in time from the actual event to have acquired that patina of being a song of oral history about the *meaning* of a unique moment in time. Isn't that one of thew *key* purposes of folk music; to record events for all time to be passed down from generation to the next *aurally*.

Just tell your audience that Mitchel herself did not attend but wrote it from an actual distance and yet *intuitively* crystalized the cultural event for all time.

Too quote an pt line from Francois Truffault's character Lacombe in "Close encounters of the Third Kind" when trying to make the point of why it was important that people of all walks of life felt drawn to the unknown "landing site" out of their own volition : " It is an event sociologique ".

Anyway just thought a Joni Mitchel thread was appropriate and hopefully advocating more of her music being performed is time well spent.

Somehow , all of a sudden, I just want to listen to "Sisotobel Lane" .

Gee it a listen,lads n' lasses , ye might just find wee nugget worth polishin'.