The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11593   Message #776490
Posted By: Joe Offer
03-Sep-02 - 08:49 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Union Miners / Miner's Lifeguard
Subject: Alternate Tune - Miner's Lifeguard??

Is there an alternate tune?

When I was in Whitby, I heard somebody sing this song to an alternate tune. I asked about it, and the singer said it was the tune ordinarily used for the song in the UK. I didn't have a chance to take down the name of the tune, but I figured I'd find out from one of my UK hosts.

Well, everybody else in the UK said they use the same tune I use, Life Is Like a Mountain Railway, which is the tune we have in the Digital Tradition.

Anybody know what the alternate tune could be??

Dick Greenhaus rightfully chastised me for not taking notes when I should have, and I am truly sorry. Gee, most people give me a hard time for being a compulsive note-taker at singarounds...

Please help me do right by Dick Greenhaus.


-Joe Offer-