The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50962   Message #776804
Posted By: GUEST,Lyle
04-Sep-02 - 10:31 AM
Thread Name: Where were the *psychics* on 9/11?
Subject: RE: Where were the *psychics* on 9/11?
Normally, (and that includes up to now) I stay far away from discussions of this type. But I do have one comment.

Wolfgang, thanks for trying to bring some sense to this whole affair. You are, of course, completely correct. But I don't think I'd have your courage to try to bring truth to this group, because you'll always run into people like Taliesn (and others) who are simply too ignorant to understand.

Anyway, my compliments to you, Wolfgang!! Keep up the good work.


PS Maybe we should send some of the "lesser lights" a subscription to The Skeptical Inquirer!!"