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Thread #51098   Message #776836
Posted By: masato sakurai
04-Sep-02 - 11:34 AM
Thread Name: Origins: The Three Sea Captains
Subject: RE: Help: History &c of 'The Three Sea Captains'?
The Fiddler's Companion: Result of search for "Three Sea Captains".


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Result of search for "Three Sea Captains":

THREE CAPTAINS, THE (Na Tri Taoisaig/Taoiseaca). AKA and see "Clark's Favorite," "William Clark's Favorite," "Three Sea Captains." Irish, Long or Set Dance (cut time). G Major. Standard. ABB (Roche): AABB (O'Neill). "From O'Neill, slightly altered" (Roche). O'Neill (1915 ed.), 1987; No. 389, pg. 186. O'Neill (Krassen), 1976; pg. 220. O'Neill (1850), 1903/1979; No. 1787, pg. 334. O'Neill (1001 Gems), 1907/1986; No. 961, pg. 165. Roche Collection, 1982, Vol. 3; No. 189, pg. 67. Eugene O'Donnell.
T:Three Captains, The
S:O'Neill - 1001 Gems (961)
D|G>G (3BGB c>AF>A|G>G (3BGB d>BG>G|(3cec A>A (3BdB G>G|
A>Bc>B (3ABG (3FED|G>G (3BGB c>AF>A|G>G (3BGB d>BG>G|
(3cec A>A (3BdB G>G|(3EcB (3AGF G2G:|
|:d|g>g (3fed (3ABc (3def|g>g (3dBd (3ecA A>A|g>g (3bge f>g (3afd|
e/f/ge (3edc d>d (3dcB|c>d (3ecA B>c (3dBG|A>Bc>B (3ABG (3FED|
G>G (3BGB c>AF>A|G>G (3BGB d>BG>G|(3cec A>A (3BdB G>G|
(3EcB (3AGF G2 G:|

THREE SEA CAPTAINS, THE. AKA and see "The Three Captains." Irish, English; Set Dance, Morris Dance (6/8 time), or Jig. G Major. Standard. O'Neill records that he found the earliest printed setting in McGoun's Repository of Scots and Irish Airs (1799). The tune is used for either a single or polka step in the North-West (England) morris dance tradition. In Ireland the tune is called "The Three Captains," and a set dance is performed to it. AABB (Allan's): AB (Kennedy, Raven, Wade). Allan's Irish Fiddler, No. 115, pg. 29. Kennedy (Fiddlers Tune Book), Vol. 2, 1954; pg. 44. Raven (English Country Dance Tunes), 1984; pg. 107. Wade (Mally's North West Morris Book), 1988; pg. 6. Front Hall FHR-010, Bill Spence and Fennig's All Stars - "The Hammered Dulcimer Strikes Again" (1977).
T:Three Sea Captains, The
D|G2G BGB|c2A F2A|G2A B2c|d2B G2B|c2c ecA|B2B dBG|A2B c2B|
ABG FED|G2G BGB|c2A F2A|G2A B2c|d2B G2B|cec A2c|BdB G2F|
EcB AGF|(G3G2)||d|g2g dcB|ABc def|g2g efg|fdd d2d|c2c ecA|B2B dBG|
A2B c2B|ABG FED|G2G BGB|c2A F2A|G2A B2c|d2B G2B|cec A2c|
BdB G2F|EcB AGF|(G3G2)||