The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51104   Message #776923
Posted By: Bobert
04-Sep-02 - 01:12 PM
Thread Name: Cold War II off and running
Subject: Cold War II off and running
Now, this thread is not designed to draw attention to the Bush wr thread but is equally important a topic for discussion.

Last week China tested it's DF-4 missle, which is capable of delivering a nuclear warhead some 4000 miles. In the past year Iran has tested it's Shahab-3 missle capable of delivering a nuclear warhead 800 miles. Okay, between the two, the US is vulnerable in Guam and the Persian Gulf, Turkey and Central Asia.

The Chinese have quietly and not so quietly been courting Muslim countries for some time now. Russia, once thought to be dead and out of the game is now buddying up to Iraq.

Hmmmmmmm? Seems like the US is letting the geopolitical map shif very quickly right before its eyes.

Again, while related, this isn't completely about Iraq but something's going on that smells like a good old fashioned Cold War to me...

Your thoughts????

(And I'll stay out of this thread for awhile...)
