The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51104   Message #776951
Posted By: Venthony
04-Sep-02 - 01:50 PM
Thread Name: Cold War II off and running
Subject: RE: Cold War II off and running
Power abhors a vacuum. With the demise of the Soviet Union, it was inevitable that new forces would arise to challenge nations whose people cherish political, personal and economic freedom.

We -- by which I mean the West -- humankind's last and best hope -- must rely on tough, real-world diplomacy and, when that fails, force of arms.

I know it's not a popular view on this site, but we're simply going to have to kill, or effectively contain, the bastards before they kill us.

Better do it now before the thugs who run China and the murderers preaching Jihad form their inevitable alliance.
