The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51098   Message #776955
Posted By: Dicho (Frank Staplin)
04-Sep-02 - 01:55 PM
Thread Name: Origins: The Three Sea Captains
Subject: RE: Help: History &c of 'The Three Sea Captains'?
Here is a story from the Lee County, Illinois history.
"Woosung, Illinois, was founded in June, 1855, by the three sea captains. They were said to have made their fortunes in the China trade and came to this spot to retire. Because the rolling prairies reminded them of the country surrounding Woosung, China, on a branch of the Yangtse River, they named their new home Woosung, meaning 'Haven of Rest'."
The captains were William Brindlecom, Roundy, and J. N. Griswold. They paid $20,000 for some 2000 acres. A Captain Anderson arrived in 1856.