The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51104   Message #777271
Posted By: Peg
05-Sep-02 - 01:05 AM
Thread Name: Cold War II off and running
Subject: RE: Cold War II off and running
Cheap shot at Bill Clinton, Doug. That man, imperfect though he may have been, was the best president we've seen in this country in two decades. Pity the asswipe Republicans who hated him and his "uppity" wife couldn't stop themselves from exposing his personal life (yes, a person's sex life is personal, I don't care how many blowjobs they get in the Oval Office) and putting our nation and the rest of the world in jeopardy as they forced him to attend impeachment hearings on this stupid crap when he needed to be doing the work he was ELECTED to do.

Last I saw, your man Shrubya weren't even elected proper! And he sure ain't gonna be there for a second term. He is sending this country to hell in a handbasket.

The Clinton years? I remember welfare reform, imrpovement of women's reproductive rights, positive environmental initiatives, some excellent foreign policy progress, reduction of the nuclear arsenal, and a booming economy. Only area that got much worse was health care, and that's an enormously complex problem. But I think he has a hell of a lot to show for his eight years, considering the attempt that was made to ruin him.

Ya know how presidents get impeached? They steal stuff that isn't theirs trying to sabotage their chances of winning elections. I am talking about Nixon; who resigned before they could impeach him. Know why he resigned? He was guilty. Know why Clinton didn't resign? Cuz he knew the attempt to impeach him was laughable (the rest of the world was certainly laughing at us).

Ya wonder why Shrubya is making noise about Iraq where no immediate threat exists? Cuz we just might turn our attention back to that hijacked election...and once that scandal in Florida (where the guy's BROTHER is governor) is uncovered, well, there just might be some more grounds for impeachment.

Stealing and lying and endangering American lives. That's how presidents get impeached.

George isn't fit to pack Bill's lunch. Or Hillary's, for that matter.