The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51104   Message #777317
Posted By: Teribus
05-Sep-02 - 03:58 AM
Thread Name: Cold War II off and running
Subject: RE: Cold War II off and running
Cold War II - Don't think so.

Russia buddying up to Iraq - well they were always pretty close before, and should SH go any Iraqi development will be fronted from Russia and possibly France.

Both Russia and China are more outward looking in their thinking than at any time in their respective histories. That is driven by trade not military power. One thing that people should remember wrt China is that it has never initiated any conflict outwith its own borders, and I don't see why they would want to start now.

China allying itself with the muslims? How you actually ally yourself with a world wide religion I cannot imagine.

The world has always run on a system of balance. Since the demise of the former Soviet Union there has been an imbalance. The hawks in the current American administration are giving out signals that the world's only super-power thinks it can operate outwith the United Nations with impunity - this is not acceptable to the world community and alliances will be formed to deter that way of thinking.

There will be no strike against Iraq and Bush will not be re-elected for a second term.