The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51115   Message #777372
Posted By: Janice in NJ
05-Sep-02 - 07:09 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Slipknot / Slip Knot (Woody Guthrie)
Subject: Lyr Add: SLIPKNOT
A few verses that I sing...

Did you ever lose your father on that slipknot?
Did you ever lose your father on that slipknot?
Yes, my father was a slave, and he tried to run away,
And they dragged him to his grave, on that slipknot.

Did you ever lose your brother on that slipknot?
Did you ever lose your brother on that slipknot?
Yeah, they hung him to a pole and they shot him full of holes,
God damn their bloody souls and their slipknot!

Did you ever lose your sister on that slipknot?
Did you ever lose your sister on that slipknot?
Yes, my sister tried to vote, and they took six feet of rope,
And left her their to choke on that slipknot.

If you're white you might beat that slipknot,
If you're you might be cut loose from that slipknot,
But if you're brown or black you'll dance, broken neck and stinking pants,
You ain't got no earthly chance to beat that slipknot.

Some of the words are Woody Guthrie's, some are my own, and some are by a friend from New York.