The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51083   Message #777609
Posted By: Bobert
05-Sep-02 - 02:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Tony to Bobbert
Subject: RE: BS: Tony to Bobbert
Doug: Hmmmmmmm? Gonna have to try some new stuff on you. You're starting to figure out some of the old tricks. But, hey, come on over here and get a big hug anyway, Big Guy...

Benjamin: Yeah, Sparky, his wife Rhonda and their son Jamie spent a lot of time together this past Blues Week. I took Sparky's advance slide class in the morning and helped him out with the beginning slide in the afternoon. Rhonda had quit being a doctor and the two of the are touring together with her playing some mean harp for such a skinny little thing....

Tony: I've been practicin' up on my readin' skills so don't be shy...
