The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10822   Message #77791
Posted By: Chris Clarke
12-May-99 - 08:06 AM
Thread Name: songs about Love and Death on the Shore
Subject: RE: Love and Death on the Shore
I have found the first page of Three Danish Galleys with the first verse and chorus, and the written music, much as I recalled it. It is on a Xerox of page 187 of the book, which is A5 format, but no clue to the book title. I still want the rest of the song!

Three galleys come sailing to Porlock Side
And stole me away a new wed bride
Who left my true love lying dead on the shore
Sailing, out and away
I never shall see my dear home no more

Another piece on the theme of love and death on the shore is a poem by Victor Daley published in a local newspaper (Canberra, Australia) in 1883. I set this one to music as a folk song.


Give thou a gift to me
From thy treasure-house, O sea!

Said a red-lipped laughing girl
While the summer yet was young;

And the sea laughed back and flung
At her feet a priceless pearl.

Give thou a gift to me
From thy treaure-house, O sea!

Said the maiden once again
On a night of wind and rain.

Like a ghost the moon above her
Stared through winding sheets of cloud.

On the sand in sea-weed shroud,
Lay the white corpse of her lover.

Which is better, gain or loss?
Which is nobler, crown or cross?

We shall know these things, maybe,
When the dead rise from the sea.

By Victor Daley, 1883

Any more?
