The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51148   Message #778246
Posted By: Donuel
06-Sep-02 - 03:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bushwah and Bush War: Part 3 (Bush, Iraq)
Subject: Proof of NUKES released to Congress
Undeniable proof of nuclear warhead stockpiles and actual nuclear tests that have harmed the enviorment and taken lives was available to Congress today. Of course this information was regarding France.

The Bush intelligence team is still keeping the proof regarding Saddam under wraps since the major thrust of our suspicions is based on CIA interpretations of

But seriously some Congressmen were briefed today about Saddam's weapon capabilitues but public information is still not available.

Congress is likely to vote for another Gulf War. Over 150 Democratic congressmen voted against the 1st Gulf War.

You remember the war over phoney incubator theft?

You remember the war where US troops exploded the stockpile of Iraqi chemical and bio weapons thus exposing many US troops to contamination but was brushed under the rug as a psychogical Gulf War "syndrome".

You remember it was that war that bin Laden claimed that the infidel US servicemen defiled the holy land of Mecca and in turn conducts a war against the US today.

Remember how Iraq attacked Saudi Arabia with exactly 2 scud missles that landed in a US military base?

No I do not think most Congressmen remember very much. Except that we won the war.

What did we win? Good will? Some exploded oil wells? Exactly how appreciative is Kuait today?

What does it matter, we won didn't we?
We tracked'em down, smoked'em out and brought'em ta justus. Didn't we