The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10854   Message #77899
Posted By: annamill
12-May-99 - 03:46 PM
Thread Name: watcha'say let's have our own festival
Subject: RE: watcha'say let's have our own festival
To everyone,

It is very exciting to think I might be hosting a mudcatters get together. My e-mail address is at my job, but I can receive any e-mail. If you're interested, please write me at I will e-mail my phone number to anyone one who expresses an interest in coming out.

KC, if Katlaughing is interested, and I hope she is, perhaps you can come together. It's great that you're both from the same town. How long have you both been on Mudcat?

Susan of DT, Where are you? Would you like to come over this weekend for the jam? I will e-mail you my address and phone number.

Bert, I hope you can make it. My house is not real large, but we have plenty sleeping space. People can bring sleeping bags and/or tents. I can have about 4 tents outside. Our town is very liberal, it's a tourist community.

If August is not good for everyone, we can do it when it's convienent for most everyone.

Soon, Anna