The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51216   Message #779047
Posted By: GUEST,
08-Sep-02 - 09:01 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Dublin Bay + If I Was a Dog
Subject: search for lyrics PLEASE HELP!
Hi guys, I have been looking for the words to two songs for the better part of a year now. I guess it's time to ask for help! I am seeking a song with the chorus, "the future is as big and as wide as Dublin Bay, Foghorn cutting like a scythe upon the hay, months will pass you by to the stroke of New Years Day..." The second song I believe was written by Colm Gallagher and recorded by Tommy Makem, but I still can't find. It's called, "If I were a dog". "Singin Yo ho, yo ho If I were a dog I'd have me day, Yo ho, yo ho wouldn't I be waggin me tail" If anyone has them and is willing to share, I would be very grateful! Thanks.... Rock on John P