The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51206   Message #779113
Posted By: Mudlark
08-Sep-02 - 12:33 PM
Thread Name: Memorial Service Threads?
Subject: RE: Memorial Service Threads?
Susan...Because of some of the parallels I always think of John when I'm singing (I'll keep the old place) Till The Children Come Home...couldn't sing it at all for a while. It's a great song, I don't know who wrote it...Aussie for sure.

Other than that, I've nothing specific...partly, I think, because I've not "synthesized" the pain into specific music yet. Maybe next year.... Besides, if I'm going to have to sing in front of a big crowd I'd be afraid of losing it if the song was too personal...I'm still trying to work up the nerve to comply with a request to sing for tasters at a local winery!

Will keep looking thru these threads...thanks again.