The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51227   Message #779178
Posted By: Amos
08-Sep-02 - 03:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Greeting etiquette:Handshakes from Hades
Subject: RE: BS: Greeting etiquette:Handshakes from Hades
Then again there's always "Nanu! Nanu!" witht he wiggly fingers. And don't forget "Live Long and Prosper!".

May hap you should invent a new greeting ritual, Rick, and start a fad or movement with it -- The Fielding Grimace, or perhaps Ten-Callous-Touchy-Feely, where just the pads on the fingers touch briefly.

Or the Travis Greeting, where fingerpickers raise their right hand and wiggle their thumb and first two fingers in a sort of synchronized dum-DADA-dum-DADA rhythm.

Or perhaps, the Capo Salutation -- each person grips the wrist of the other gently but firmly between thumb and forefinger while singing "Hell-o-o-o" starting on E and sliding up to G.

Or the Flatpick Floogie, where you hold out a flatpick toward the other person, who does the same, and you shuffle your feet and go "thwip! thwip! thwip!" with your flatpicks slapping each other at the tips.

I am sure you'll think of something, Rick!! :>)