The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10873   Message #77934
Posted By: Mick Lowe
12-May-99 - 08:29 PM
Thread Name: Tech: Creating blue clicky thingies for links
Subject: RE: Creating blue clicky thingies for links
Okay Helen & co
Pay attention, the Prof is in class and I shall say this only once, so listen very carefully ( apologies to anyone who used to watch the BBC sitcom).
It's really quite easy adding an HTML command. There are a couple of magic words/phrases you need to know.
First is the angled bracket that lets the beast know you are going to give it a command rather than some inane ramblings.
This works for doing everything from line breaks "angled bracket .. i.e. < followed by 'br' for break and then another angled bracket .. that is ">" " I will do one now
The formula for adding the blue clicky thing is a followed by href= ..precceded by our angled bracket of course.. that is you need to type "< a href=" after which you need to know the URl of the site/bit of the internet you wish to link to .. i.e. http://www.somewhereorother.. better still try
Sorry but you have to plug your own site when ever you can
Remember to enclose the URl in quotes and add the closing angled bracket ">". Whatever you type next appears as the text to the blue clicky thing. You then need to tell the beast that you have finished giving the link instructions. This is done by placing a "/a" within angled brackets. Obviously if I try and do that now it will cause problems..
So here is an example Prof's Irish Pages
Now if you want to see how that was done or any other bits of HTML on any other site, simply click on View / Source and all the mysteries will be revealed to you
May the HTML go with you