The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51148   Message #779346
Posted By: Bobert
08-Sep-02 - 08:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bushwah and Bush War: Part 3 (Bush, Iraq)
Subject: RE: BS: Bushwah and Bush War: Part 3
Well. If elected, I'm gonna follow Amos's advice in recodifying the nations laws. And while I'm at it we're gonna have to reorganize the government a tad.

First of all, the electorial college is out. Gone. History. Kaput...

Now for Vice President, I want Little Hawk, not because of any other reason but the simple fact that the rest of you guys the country needs else where.

Dept of Interior: Ebbie, whop will save them trees and owls fir our kids.

Transportation: Fionn (think trains and monorails)

State: Amos, hands down

Defense: Kendall. Ya need amna man who says a lot with so few words because that gonna translate to, ahhh, not a lot of fightin' with folks. Heck, he'll just tell out adversaries stories and bring 'em to theur knees in laughter. Hard to aim them rockets when you're laughin'. Right

Eduction: This is Kats without a second thought. Just don't make me learn to do no bluey things. Them is fir kids. And smart folks...

Department of Laughs: The Spawzman hisself. Hey, don't laugh (no... do) becuase this is gonna be a very not so serious department.

Health: McGrath, because of smartness and we're gonna need that in a nation that charges way too much for so little in return. And doctors are gonna have to be trained in actaully diagnosing, sonething that the medical profession is lacking these days...

Department of Peace: NicoleCastle. Go get 'em. You can do it! Make peace fashionable.... I know you can do it

Press Secretary: This one is easy. Ya' gotta have someone who can mix it up and satnf tall: Peg

Special Advisor to the President: Waht, did you peek? Okay, the cat's out of the bag, so to speak. My friend....DougR. Who else? Hey, I don't have to follow hus advice but I do very much want to know what's on his mind....

Other advisors: Teliesn, Jerry Rassmussen, Bill and Rita, Greg and Kate (sans the chainsaw, than you), troll #1 and troll # 36, Chance (guitars)....

Still taking application for unfilled positions

Yeah, we're gonna need someone for Commerace. Must have socialist tendacies and think that worker owned businesses are the way of the future.

Welfare: Forget it. We won't need it. We're gonna up the minimum wage to a point where everyone will want to work...

Did I leave anyone or anything out?

Heck, last night I didn't have a clue Uz was gonna be in charge so Iz kinda feeling it out as I go.

But one heck of a cabinet!!!!

Thank you for your support.
