The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51232   Message #779461
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
09-Sep-02 - 12:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: Feeling unnecessary
Subject: RE: BS: Feeling unnecessary
You know, Kendall, I was reading Banjers messsage, and it gave ME a good laugh.

Back when I was living in a one room apartment in New York City(yes there is such a thing as a one room apartment,) I got a couple of young catlings... older than kittens, but not yet cats. The female cat loved to lick me, and I was sitting at a table with a friend in a small restaurant in Newark, New Jersey (yes, they have restaurants in Newark,) after another sleepless night pouring out my heart to him. As I described my problem to him...

"When I come home at night, she's there at the door waiting to pounce on me, the second I open the door. I can't even get my foot in the apartment before she's all over me, kissing me. I try to knock her off of me, but she's right back on me the second she gets on her feet. But, the worst of it is when I go to bed. She imediately jumps on top of me and starts kissing me all over, and no matter how many times I knock her off the bed, she's right back on top of me. It got so bad last night that I had to lock her in the bathroom, and then I couldn't sleep with her crying all night.

About then, I happened to look around the restaurant because it had become so quiet. People were sittng there with food on their forks, poised in mid-air, totally entranced, listening me to complaining about my love life. So, I said to my friend Bill, "Have you ever had a cat like that?" and the room spun back into motion. Fork fulls of food went into mouths, and conversations resumed. Maybe if I'd given the part about a cold nose, like Banjer did, I wouldn't have brought the restaurant to a halt. :-)

Laugh it off, Kendall...
