The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2131   Message #7795
Posted By: Peter Timmerman
30-Jun-97 - 06:44 PM
Thread Name: Default Date for Threads
Subject: Default Date for Threads
As someone who complained to the site heroes about the slowness of loading earlier, I am very happy that the 30 day default has been changed; but would it be possible to put it to 7 days, instead of 3? I assume 3 was sort of done arbitrarily to speed things up (which I support as a 14.4 kind of guy). I went back through a number of the most interesting threads, and there was often a week between comments in threads that were still quite lively. I am concerned that we are not going to get some of these interesting discussions continuing with new people, because only the most popular or the very newest will get refreshed space. I appreciate that there would be some slight slowing down for loading, which would also drive some people away, but there should be some room for compromise -- I hate having things turn into yesterday's news too quickly -- especially with this good group. I think a week as default would be enough to get things off the priority list. Is this a problem, Max (or others?) Yours, Peter