The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51232   Message #779583
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
09-Sep-02 - 08:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: Feeling unnecessary
Subject: RE: BS: Feeling unnecessary
A sure fire way to realize that none of us are unnecessary is to look around us and see the people who need their spirits lifted. Yesterday, my wife and I went to visit a woman we know who woke up a few months ago, totally blind... with no warning. She didn't even wear glasses. Her husband died last year, and she has no children. Now, she has to pay someone to come in to be with her every day as she is in her upper 80's or low 90's and can't take dare of herself. When she runs out of money, she'll have to sell her house and go into public-assisted health care. You can imagine how depressed she is.

When her husband was alive, he was houesbound in his later years, and we brought him tapes of gospel music. It could just as easily have been of folk music or jazz, or popular music from the 40's. It was a simple thing to do, but they always thanked us for those tapes. When we visited the woman yesterday, she was so grateful that we remembered her and came to see her. She said the same thing that so many others say, "You made my day." I told her that the next time we get down to visit (she lives an hou'rs drive away) I'd bring her some new tapes of gospel music, and she really lit up.

All of us know many people around us... family, friends, neighbors, even strangers who feel forgotten and deserted. A simple phone call, or stopping by for fifteen or twenty minutes can lift someone's spirits for days.

There are countless people who need each of us. There's the guy who comes to an outside hamburger stand in our town who is recently widowed. He goes to this place just about every day, just for some human contact. He has a little dog that he brings with him, and when he gets a hamburger, he makes it last as long as he can, and he gets a styrofoam cup of water for his dog. I make a point of going over and saying hello, and sitting down and talking with im and his dog. I may only talk to him for five minutes, and I don't even know his name, but I know he really needs to have that contact.

And you, Kendall... it's obvious from the previous thread about your throat, that you are very necessary and appreciated. Every one of us has our own gifts that can help to lift others. Sometimes the gift is just caring about someone else and taking a couple of minutes to call them, or go over and pet their dog. That's what we're all doing in this thread...

And, here's a cyber-pet and a scratch behind the ears for your dog, too ..... :-)
