The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51246   Message #779679
Posted By: Bobert
09-Sep-02 - 10:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bush, Iraq, and War: PART FOUR
Subject: RE: BS: Bush, Iraq, and War: PART FOUR
Well, I just heard on Pacifica that the New York Times has rescended the parts of yesterday's article implicating Iraq as having nuclear weapons or close to having them. But once a lie is unleashed told it's hard to get it back in the cage>

Speakin' of lies half truths and twisting of minds, ahh, one day when this evil administration is long gone, this week will be known a "Liar's Week" and be taught in the public schools and there will be liar's contests and folks will just be able to get their outrageous lies out of 'em so they can go about being truthful the rest of the year. Kinda like April Fools but for an entire week.

Yeah, ol' Bobert would like to know just how much of the working classes tax dough is going into this massive *p.R* campaine to whip up the masses. I reckon right around 2000 new schools & 150 hospitals but I might be on the low side.

Now, here's what I would encourage everyone to do.

1. I know it's a pain, but one more emial to your two Senators and your Representative. You can do it by going to

2. While you're at get a mailing address for these folks and drop them a letter.

3. Talk to at least one person who you know who you think might fall for Junior and Co.'s lies.

4. Send a letter to the Editor of your local newspaper.

5. Go to and keep up with planned protests that you might be able to participate in. Might of fact, bookmark that site.

6. For those who perform, take a moment during your performance, if you feel you can, to talk about peaceful means to solve problems.

7. For those of Faith, pray.

8. Think about the possibilities of a national boycott of____________________ Corporation that is supportive of the Bush regime. There are lots of ways to fight for peace.

9. _________________________________


Lastly, Bush hasn't won his little PR war yet so we still have time to stop this war.

"You can bomb the world to pieces... But you can't bomb the worlf to peace..." hip-hop artist Michael Frontea

